Begin Your Family's Journey

Are you ready for an Acton Academy audition?

The audition process is designed to make sure that we are the right fit to serve the life-long learning needs for your child and your family.

This process requires a lot of time and dedication, and we thank you for even considering us. Families who are thriving in already-running Actons often share that they truly enjoyed the process, and we hope you do too.

1. Attend an Open House

Come tour with us at an Open House. These happen once a month, usually every Tuesday. You MUST schedule a time during our Open House to attend. The child/children you are interested in enrolling must attend.

This is a chance to make sure we get acquainted and get to know each other better. Make sure to watch the Day in the Life and Virtual Tour of Acton Academy videos before the Open House so you’re aware of our model.

2. Schedule a Call

If you are interested and if we feel like you are a good fit, we will reach out to you about scheduling a 30-60 minute call. This is your opportunity to ask more questions about Acton, as well as for us to ask you questions about your family.

3. Schedule a "Shadow Day" or play date

Just like we believe in hands-on learning, we believe in “hands-on enrollment.” Your child or children will be allowed to attend for 1-5 days free to test if the model is right for them. You will drop them off as if they were enrolled, and they will have a buddy who helps them learn about our systems and processes.

In some cases, we may request that your child join a group of our learners for a play date to get a better idea of how they interact with others. The play date may be in addition to a Shadow Day or as a substitute.

4. Invitation to Join

If we believe our Acton would be a good fit for your family, we will invite you to join. Congratulations!

It's that easy!

If you have any questions, please call us at (772) 237-0377 or email [email protected].