Day in the Life

What does a day at Acton look like?

How it works

The studio is completely learner-driven, meaning the communities are run mostly by our young heroes, where closely connected families of lifelong learners are bound by clear contracts; and “Learning to Do” and “Learning to Be” are even more important than “Learning to Know.”

Learners create and sign a contract describing how each individual will act and the consequences for violating community norms. Mentor teams encourage younger and older learners to listen, affirm, set goals and hold each other accountable. Learners are also motivated by “Learn to Be” badges, which celebrate character and provide leadership challenges.

The key to our learning design is the flexibility of the schedule. Work blocks can be moved around based on the needs of each studio. Within each work block, learners choose from a wide range of options based on their passions and personal goals.

In the mornings, learners work towards their self-generated goals. They utilize the latest in educational technology and support each other to master the foundational reading, writing, arithmetic and foreign language skills.

The afternoons are reserved for working on real-world group and individual projects. Learners will be starting businesses, producing plays, publishing books, developing video games, and so on. Individually, they will work with the staff to discover and develop their unique talents and passions.

This is fundamentally different than traditional schooling. No bells ringing every 45 minutes. No lecturing. No one-size-fits-all approach. Just learner-driven learning.